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The Underground Motorcyclist Association (UMA) is an M.R.C (two piece patch clubs) organization for motorcyclists that organizes numerous motorcycling activities and campaigns for motorcyclists' legal rights. Its mission statement is "to promote the motorcycling lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling." The UMA charters MRC motorcycle riding clubs or 2 piece patch clubs. it provides guidance and advice, and allows UMA affiliated members to vote on UMA matters. The UMA and any MRC affiliated clubs are not MC's and will never think of becoming a MC.. If you are interested in becoming a MRC motorcycle riding club please contact your local UMA supported clubs for details 

MRC clubs are not RC CLUBS

What is a MRC 


MRC stands for motorcycle riding club and is a 2 piece patch club that will never have a bottom rocker claiming territory.  MRC  clubs are not MC's and will never think of becoming a MC. They are not RCs (riding clubs) because riding clubs do not have any kind of brotherhood.


unlike RCs an MRC based club has 

A Brotherhood  patches are earned and never purchased

The clubs are usually smaller and more spread out and sometimes have 1 mandatory meeting a month depending on the club and meet up every day,week or month for rides and events depending on the club. it is best to look into the MRC and find out what club fits you best if you are interested in joining.

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